Satellite TV - An Entertaining and Educational Resource

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Whenever you were growing up, your parents probably often asked you to stop watching tv because they thought it wasn't very useful. Often times, people think that TV is simply an outlet to escape through at the end of your workday or week, but the reality is that people don't simply veg out while they watch tv. No matter what you choose to watch, you'll always be learning something, and often times, that information can come in handy later in life. So if you've got satellite TV service, you've got access to much more useful information than people who don't have that service.
Have you ever gone to a trivia game just to find out that you didn't actually know very many of the answers to the questions that were asked? Often times, trivia questions are related to all kinds of pop culture references, which means if you don't know the answer, then you don't know your pop culture. Generally people who excel at trivia games have watched a good amount of television and have retained a lot of useful facts that they can use to help their team win a grand prize. That's not to say that you should simply spend hours upon hours watching satellite TV just so you can win a trivia game later, but it is to say that you don't need to feel ashamed to watch your favorite shows and movies. While you're watching them, you'll absorb all kinds of information that could come in handy later, like in a trivia game that could allow you to win hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. The vast majority of people who play and win at trivia games will tell you that watching satellite TV has been worth it because they've enjoyed themselves while they've watch shows and movies, and because they enjoy themselves when they play and win trivia games.

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Anonymouse said...

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